Eastern Cuba- Birding & Natural History Tour
Eastern Cuba - Baracoa Giant Anole

Brief Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Havana and Trip Orientation
Day 2: AM Flight to Holguin – Transfer to Pinares de Mayarí; PM Birding La Mensura National Park
Day 3: AM Birding at La Mensura National Park; PM Transfer to Humboldt National Park
Day 4: Full Day at Humboldt National Park – Balcón de Iberia
Day 5: AM Survey El Yunque; PM explore Baracoa and late evening explore Yumuri River
Day 6: AM Baracoa to Guantánamo Bay; PM San Antonio del Sur and Salina de Baitiquiri
Day 7: AM Bird Survey in Baitiquiri, Mid-Morning Boquerón Reserve; PM Los Monitongos
Day 8: AM Baconao Biosphere Reserve; PM Gran Piedra
Day 9: AM Survey at Gran Piedra Reserve; PM Explore Santiago de Cuba
Day 10: AM Survey El Saltón; PM Travel to Marea del Portillo
Day 11: AM Survey Desembarco del Granma National Park; PM Bayamo city
Day 12: AM Explore Bayamo city; PM Flight to Havana
Day 13: Departures from Havana; Flights Home Today
Cuba bird surveys
Full Itinerary

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.kirkconnellbirds.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Eastern-Cuba-Birding-Natural-History-Tour.pdf” title=”Eastern Cuba- Birding & Natural History Tour”]